poverty, inequality, gender, development


FIELD OFFICE PERFORMANCE: An independent assessment of 53 offices using 13 indicators and 690 data points. The concept was co-created with field office directors and headquarters managers in response to a governing body request. Following the initial assessment, we developed user specifications for the implementation of a balanced scorecard in support of change management.

PROJECT GRANTS: Evaluation of science diplomacy proposals submitted in response to an international call under the European Union science and innovation programme. Each proposal, valued between €1.5 and €2 million, was assessed based on excellence, impact and operational capacity of the submitting consortium. 

MID-TERM EVALUATION: Evaluation of a programme spanning three continents aiming at climate change impacts through tropical forest conservation. Methodology includes field trips to several countries, over 40 in-depth interviews, and document reviews.​​

MULTI-PARTNER TRUST FUND: Prepare the fund design and theory of change for the Malawi SDG Acceleration Trust Fund as a follow-up to an earlier fund that attracted the second-highest number of resources between 2008 and 2019.

urbanization, developing countries, telecommunication


Global Goals Consulting, Global Goals Political Consulting, GGC
renewable energy, solar energy, energy for all



INDEPENDENT MONITORING: Assessment of progress and results on behalf of an international coalition of environment and human rights organizations focusing on indigenous peoples’ tenure rights. The results are being presented to the coalition’s governing body.​

UNITED NATIONS REFORM:  Case study on how six UN entities adjust to the reform of the UN development system in line with the proposals of the UN Secretary General. The focus is on the UN resident coordinators, business innovation and efficiency, and the funding compact​.

PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT: In line with the MOPAN approach, assess the organization-wide performance of a UN entity in-depth and provide recommendations to senior management to improve performance and secure donor commitment.

JOINT BACK-OFFICE SERVICE PRICING: Assess strengths and weaknesses of a single service hub for 6 UN entities in Brazil. The operational setup was reviewed, and service lines and prices developed in a participatory fashion. 

NEW FINANCING INSTRUMENTS: A suite of new policies and operational guidelines to engage with the private sector and civil society commissioned by one of the leading UN development organisations. Based on a needs assessment in light of the new development agenda, new prescriptive content for grants, loans, and guarantees now guides the work of 8000 employees.